1.1 All competitions will be open to all fully paid-up members
1.2 The winner of the Ladies and Men’s Club Championship will represent the Club in the National Champion of Champions Competition the following year. Entry will not be open to any member who, in the same year, has entered his/her County Championships from another club which is affiliated to Bowls England or entered the Club Championship of another club which is affiliated to Bowls England.
1.3 The Bowling Committee (comprising of the Captain, Vice-Captain, Competition Secretary, and the Club Secretary) will be responsible for organizing all competitions. Draws will be made when at least two members are present.
1.4 It is a condition of entry into competitions that players make themselves available to play in the Finals Weekend. The date of finals weekend will be announced before the closing date for entries. Anyone who discovers that he or she is not available to play on that weekend should immediately withdraw from the competition. Only in exceptional circumstances will another date be set by the Bowling Committee.
1.5 Unless otherwise stated, all competitions will be played according to Bowls England Rules.
1.6 Any decision as to the state of the green for play will be made by the Club Captain or the Committee Member responsible for running the competition.
1.7 Members must observe the Competition rules which will be available to read at all times in the club house.
1.8 Members who are playing in County or National games will not be allowed use of rinks that are already pre-booked but, will have the choice of any other rinks available.
1.9 No player in a competition or match shall play on the same rink on the same day of such competition or match before play commences, under penalty of disqualification.
1.10 The number and value of prizes and trophies to be given in competitionsshall be determined by the Management Committee.
Team Competitions
2.1 In all team competitions, unless decided by the Bowling Committee, team positions will be drawn Lead to Skips.
2.2 Teams may play in any order they think fit, unless a substitute is required, in which case the rule for “Substitutes” at 2.3 and 2.4 will apply.
2.3 Substitutes must be approved by the Bowling Committee. They should be selected from losers in the Preliminary or First Rounds or, at the discretion of the Bowling Committee, from players of comparative ability who have joined the club after the closing date for entries to competitions. Should a substitute become necessary in subsequent rounds, the original substitute player will be eligible for that particular team.
2.4 Any Substitute CANNOT play as skip
Progressive competitions
3.3 All rounds in progressive competitions must be played by mutual arrangement on or before the date stated on the draw sheets.
Failure to complete game on time will result in one or all players being scratched from the competition.
3.4 When games are arranged by players, the first named is the “challenger” and is responsible for all match arrangements, and in all singles competitions is responsible for providing a competent marker. Markers must comply with the Club Dress Code.
3.5 When a game has been arranged, all date/times and the rink drawn must be logged in the Club diary.
3.6 If an opponent is not on the green ready to commence play for any game within thirty minutes from the time agreed for starting the match e.g 6.00pm start time means that 6.30pm is the cut off time, the match may be claimed by the waiting player(s), such claim to be made to the Bowling Committee whose decision shall be final.
3.7 Where prior arrangements have not been made, matches played on the “Final date” shall commence not later than 6.30pm. Absentee players on the final date shall forfeit the game.
3.8 If games (once started) are not completed due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e weather conditions) the game must be re-arranged as soon as possible and the game will resume from the point it was abandoned i.e. the scores and ends will stand and trial ends are permissible if the competition allows for this. If a game is played on the last day and not completed, a decision between the players concerned must be made to determine the winner. If no decision can be reached then All players will be scratched from the competition.
3.9 Re-arranged games . Dates and times of re-arranged games must be entered into the Club Diary. The rink for play must also be drawn at the time of re-arranging and entered into the diary.
3.10 Default If after having entered a competition, a player does not make him or herself available to play, the defaulter may be barredfrom competitions for a period to be decided by the Bowling Committee.
3.11 Green Closure If for any reason the greens are closed for play on the final date of any one competition, the Bowling Committee will fix an extension date. This will be clearly shown on the draw sheet for that particular competition.
3.12 Handicap Singles. Handicaps will be awarded each year by the Bowling Committee based on the previous year’s results in Singles games. All singles games should be played to 21 shots so the allotted handicaps will be amended at the start of each game to reflect this. Further details will be shown on the club notice boards. Please read them thoroughly before playing a game.
3.14 Score Cards Must be signed by Skips or the players, and in a singles match, by both players and markers.Cards should be placed in the relevant score card box in the Club House immediately after the match is completed.
3.15 Protests must be sent in writing to the Hon Secretary within twenty-four hours of the tie being completed. The Hon secretary will then place the protest before the Bowling Committee for consideration and furtheraction if necessary.
7.1 Greys must be worn at all times, only trousers or skirts. Club tops, White or predominantly white bowling tops can be worn in all Club Competitions, Leagues and Roll ups. i.e predominantly white with similar to blue club colour panels.
7.2 Braces if worn must not be visible.
7.3 Club tops ONLY will be worn by all team members when representing Southport Bowling Club i.e visiting clubs or away games to other clubs.
7.4 White Bermuda or dress shorts can be worn in Club Competitions and Roll ups.
7.5 Bowling shoes and approved bowling trainers ONLY to be worn. Sandals, Pumps and other footwear are not accepted due to Health and Safety reasons. Bowling shoes must be changed into prior to going onto the green.
7.6 Waterproofs when worn should be white.
7.7 Only White or Club caps can be worn. White hats, if worn by ladies, must be of approved type.
7.8 Whites to be worn with Club tops when playing in Finals or Competitions that are played to a Final.